Guidelines for Convenors

Thank you very much for taking on the responsibility of being a convenor of a session!

1. Communication with Speakers

As a convenor, we kindly ask you to contact and coordinate speakers for your specific session. Please share the speaker’s guidelines (attached to this email) with all your speakers as well as guidelines on how to promote this event on social media (attached). Promoting the event as well as specific sessions on social media is crucial in order to meet our target audience. Hence, we would like to ask you to take the task of promoting the event on social media very seriously.

2. Abstract

Please communicate with your speakers an agenda for the session and compile an abstract that can be published on Shed. The abstract should convey the main message of your overall session and can include the agenda. The abstract should not include an individual abstract of each speaker. One to two pages would be ideal.

3. Life Event

All sessions will be held on zoom. The zoom link will be available on Sched, under each session, for all convenors, speakers and attendees. It is not online yet! But please do not worry, it will appear in time. The zoom session will be initiated by one of us 30 minutes prior to the official beginning of the session. You and your speakers can join immediately. You will then have the opportunity to test out your microphones and use the screen sharing function: Every speaker can use the screen sharing function to share their PowerPoint or other materials. There is no need to send us your presentations.

We will start admitting people to the zoom session several minutes prior to the official start of the session. Please start your session on time. As a convenor, we would like to ask you to introduce your speakers and manage the transitions between each of them. At the end, there will be a Q&A. Attendees can raise their questions by typing them into the chat function.

The sessions will be recorded. The recordings can be found several days after the event on Sched at the exact position where you found the link to the life zoom session. A transcript of each session will be generated with the help of AI, and you will receive a copy shortly.

4. Technical Questions

For any technical questions regarding Shed, the publishing of abstracts or biographies, or the procedure on the day of the event, please contact Jitka Kranz She will be happy to assist you with any questions and difficulties.